
Showing posts from February, 2018

Securing Internet of Things – recent developments and some advice!

I am back again with the hot topic – Security in the Internet of Things. It is the #1 concern to organizations who have already adopted IoT and who are waiting in the wings for large scale adoption. Almost every organization is using IoT, in one way or other knowingly or unknowingly. It is much more alarming, if companies do not even know IoT exists already in their organization. That means those devices and applications are not yet under the organization risk management framework, security policy, enforcement, etc. Standards and regulations are another set of concerns (excuses!) for not being able to secure the IoT footprint. The good news is a lot happened in the past week. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) has published the draft on International Cybersecurity Standardization for the Internet of Things (IoT) – NISTIR 8200 . Siemens has formed a consortium of industrial giants (Airbus, Allianz, Daimler Group, IBM, MSC, NXP, SGS, and Deutsche Telekom)...

How Internet of Things (IoT) Transforms And Creates Value – Ideas For You!

We are now more than a month into 2018, Internet of Things is continue to be the hot topic . It has sustained the momentum past years and we are seeing the true value of IoT now. The perceived potential and the hype created over the years generated attention, investment and development of innovative solutions. The learnings from early adopters’ turned into business value for the then fence sitters. The integration and convergence for complementary technologies like AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain are creating an ecosystem of great value. Now it is time to recall the famous quote - Eventually everything connects - people, ideas, objects... the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se. -  Charles Eames   Traditional product manufacturing companies will have multiple business units with several business processes working together to deliver the end-product to the customer. With limited integration between the processes and business units, the fe...